Tee it up for the troops!

Post Labor Day weekend Peoria greetings to all!!!!!!!

Last week here in Peoria we had the third annual “Tee it up for the troops” (http://www.teeitupforthetroopsil.org/) fundraiser at three different Peoria golf courses (Mt. Hawley, Weaver Ridge and Peoria Country Club). The charity raises money to help members of the armed services that need some extra help after their service to our country. I shot photos of the morning events at Mt. Hawley Country Club and it was very cool! The morning golfers were all veterans and they were having a good time out on the course on a very beautiful day! At noon they had a ceremony to honor the veterans and also had a “fly over” that’s in one of my photos and that was incredible! All and all, I think that everyone had a great time and they raised a lot of money in a down economy and that says a lot about the people of Peoria!

I’ve got a nice selection of snaps from the morning and here they are!

I’ve also made up a nice wallpaper of one of my favorite shots of the day and it’s the shot of the American flag for the pins on the putting greens of each hole. Very nice indeed!!!!

High Definition Wallpaper http://kevinmay.com/highres.jpg

Standard Definition Wallpaper http://kevinmay.com/standardres.jpg

For my friends in the US, I hope that you enjoy this short work week and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!!!


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Football is here!!!!!!

КартиниMonday morning Peoria greetings to all my friends in the USA and around the world!!!!!!

My thoughts and prayers go out to all the folks on the East Coast that had to deal with Hurricane Irene this past weekend. As the days go on, we’ll hear more about what happened and hopefully there won’t have been too much destruction and loss of life!

Yes, it’s finally my favorite time of year! Even though I love summer and the hot warm weather, buy the end of August, I’m ready for the humidity that we have to go away and the cooler temperatures that come in September and October to arrive. Along with the nicer weather it’s also the start of football season!! Yea!!!!!! The high schools played games this past weekend in Peoria and the college and NFL will start in another week and I can’t wait!!!

Speaking of Football, I was down in the St. Louis area last weekend on a shoot for my friends at Schutt Sports and we did a little softball, baseball and football shots. The baseball shots are fun, but we really get to have a good time with the football stuff. We are able to do a little “studio” type lighting for some of these shots and that’s a lot of fun! This time we also did some action stuff and that was really fun! Our models were young and when I would give them my trademarked phrase, “That was good, now do it again”, they would do it! I didn’t tire them out too bad!!!!!

Here’s a bunch of our snaps from the day and you’ll see that we got a lot of great shots!!!!!

Next weekend is Labor Day weekend for my friends here in the states, so if you’re going to be traveling have a great time and be safe!!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great week!!!!!!!


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Mike Rowe, four times in a year!

икони на светциMonday morning Peoria greetings to all my friends around the world!!!!

I’ve been incredibly blessed to have had four opportunities to shoot with Mike Rowe this past year and I can tell you that it’s always a lot of fun!!!! I think the thing that amazes me is just how smart he is and he says things and pulls these references out from time to time and you think “I’m going to have to look that up when I get home”!

We shot last weekend in Peoria and and did a couple different shoots. The first was at Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman’s getaway place and Mike and Doug did a series of videos that will be shown on the web! It’s fun to watch these two guys working together becuase they both are really good and able to nail these clips in one take and that’s pretty rare in the video business. The other thing that I can see is that Mike and Doug seem to genuinely like each other and you’ll see that on the videos when they come out! At times they will both cut each other up and you can see that in some of my photos today as well!

The Second day’s shoot was spent out at Caterpillar’s Edwards Demonstration facility. On that day, it was mostly Mike solo and we did a bunch of different videos for the financial, mining and marine divisions. The marine stuff was really great and that will be wonderful on the video and I can’t wait to see that!!!!

Here’s a few snaps from the day and as always, you can see Mike and Doug’s personalities coming through!

I’ve also got a slideshow that I put together from the third shoot back a few months ago in Las Vegas with Mike as well! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz5FYqPI8lQ

Thanks as always for taking the time to check out my work and I do truly appreciate it!!!! I hope that you have a great week to come!!!!


PS, I had to get a new shot with Mike as well!!!!!!!

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The Old Bloomington Courthouse

иконописикониMonday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!!

I was over in Bloomington, Il. last week shooting at the old Bloomington Court for the attorneys at the law firm of Goldfine and Bowles. The courthouse is a now museum and there are a lot of cool things to see and check out! We were shooting in the main courtroom and it’s what you might imagine a courtroom to be! It takes me back to the days of Perry Mason!!!!!!

Here’s one of the images that we got and I really like all the old light fixtures and all the beautiful wood that’s all over the room!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great week as always!!!!!


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STL and the Arch!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!

One of my favorites cites here in the Midwest is St. Louis! Since it’s only a three hour drive from Peoria, it’s nice and close and you can pop down there for a nice weekend!!! The food on “The Hill” is outstanding and it’s just such an easy city to get around, it makes for a very nice weekend!!!

I put together another one of my time lapse slideshow and also one of my snaps of the Gateway Arch in Black and White for those that like that!

Thanks as always for checking out my photos and I hope that you have a wonderful week!!!!!


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Somedays are tougher then others!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!!

Somedays are tougher then others for photography and creating interesting photos can be a real challenge!!!! I had one of those days last week!!!!! I was shooting at a water treatment facility and the client took us around and gave us a quick tour of the place. It’s by no means the most glamourous place that you’ll ever come across and things were old and not in an interesting way. As I was thinking about what I was going to try and shoot, I was really stumped as to what I could show and what I was going to show! It really took me a bit to try and think of something and as always, I just started walking around with the camera and tripod and things started to come together. The other big problem that I had is that most of the processes that go on are internal, so you can’t really see what’s happening!

Here’s a couple of my snaps from the day and one of the things that I did was to convert the images to Black and White to try to give them a little more mood and drama!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great week!!!!


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Balloons at the Park!!!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!!!

I was out last weekend at Three Sisters Park in Chillicothe, Il. for the second annual “Balloons at the Park” and it was a great day to be out enjoying all the fun!!!! Here’s a few of my snaps and I hope that you enjoy them!!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great week to come!!!!!


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Heart of Illinois Fair 2011 and a hot week!!!

Hot and humid Peoria greeting to all my friends around the world!!!!!!

There were lot’s of different events and activities going on in Peoria this past week!!!! The best part is that I even got to shoot a few of them!!!!

The Heart of Illinois Fair has been going on for 62 years here in Peoria and it had been a few years since I last attended to take some photos. I got out on Thursday night and was able to snap a few night shots of some of the rides! It looked like everyone was having a great time despite it being hot and humid!!!! It’s summer in Peoria!!!!!

Here’s a few on my snaps from the evening spent at Expo Gardens!

Thanks as always for checking out my photos and I hope that you have a great week to come!!!!


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Back Home!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all my friends around the world!!!!!!!

I got back this weekend from a quick trip out to New Mexico to see my folks and also get out and shoot some nature photography!!!!! Even though the temperatures were in the 100 degree range, it’s still always good to get out and hike around and see a little nature!!!! As always out west, there’s lot’s of sun and that brights my soul!!!!!!

Here’s a few of my snaps form one of my days out and about!

I hope that you have a great week and thanks again for checking out my work!!!!!


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“Pops” and Route 66!!!!

Tuesday morning greetings from Las Cruces, New Mexico!!!

I hope that you had a safe and fun 4th of July weekend!!!!!!

On my way down here to Las Cruces, I was able to travel along part of old Route 66 and for those of you that didn’t know it, that was “the” road back in the day and it ran all the way from Chicago to Los Angeles!!!! Long before the interstates that we now have was the “Mother Road” and it was one of the only ways to get across the country!

One of the pleasant surprises of the trip just outside of Oklahoma City is a small town called Arcadia and in that town is a place called “Pops“! For those of you that love soda, this place is the cat’s meow!!!!! They have 600 flavors of soda, so if you can’t find it here, they probably don’t make it!!!! One of the cool things as well is the 66 foot high soda bottle (66 foot high bottle on Route 66, get it?) that lights up at night! I was there on a Friday night an the place was packed!!!!!! It’s worth a stop if you’re ever in the area!

I put together a quick time lapse at sundown and you can see the bottle lighting up and changing colors!

It’s time to run, I’ve got some nature photography to do here in the desert!!!!! I hope that you have a great rest of the week as always and thanks for checking out my work!!!!!


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