Delicate Arch Time Lapse

Monday Peoria greetings to all,

For all my American friends, I hope that you had a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving this past weekend!!!!

A couple of weeks ago, I got to try something in photography that I’ve always wanted to do, Time-lapse photography. It’s really pretty simple; you just put the camera on a tripod and lock it down into one position. You then set the timer and in this case I had the camera shoot a photo every 12 seconds for over three hours as the sun was going down!!! Then, it’s a matter of just assembling in the computer and you’re all set.

If you would like to see the three-hour shoot compressed down to 35 seconds, click on this Youtube link and enjoy!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and have an outstanding week!!!!!


Click on image to see the slideshow

Thanksgiving greetings!!!!!!

Rainy Peoria Thanksgiving greetings to all!!!!!

I don’t need a day like today to think about how thankful and blessed that I am, because I think about it everyday! As most of you know, I love what I do and I have all of my wonderful clients that support me to thank for allowing me to do what I love doing. I’m also very blessed to have a great family and friends that keep me going as well!

After finishing up with a little work here at the studio today from the last road trip out West, I’ll be enjoying the rest of the afternoon and evening at home enjoying some great food and football! Not a bad way to spend the day!!!!

I hope that you have (or had) a wonderful Thanksgiving and the rest of the year is a very good one as well!

Safe travels and happy trails to all!!!!!!!


Click on image to see a larger version

Monument Valley and Thanksgiving

Rainy Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!

I can’t tell you how good it is to be back home in Peoria!!!  I’ve been on the road for the past three weeks on different shoots, so it’s going to be very nice sleeping in my own bed for awhile!!!!

After shooting in Tucson a week ago,  I was able to hit a couple of favorite spots on the way home to shoot some nature photography.  As always shooting out West is very special to me and a few of these places are very spiritual and I can can see why the Indians held them in such high reverence!  Monument Valley, Arizona is one of those special places for me.  I’ve been there a number of times shooting and it’s always different every time.  I see new things shooting at different times of the day and shots like the one I’m sending along are new ones for me.

For my friends in the US,  this week is Thanksgiving,  so I hope that if you are traveling for the holiday,  you have a very safe and wonderful time!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and have a great week!!!!

Safe travels!!!!!!


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Bradley Basketball

Monday morning greetings to all!!!!!!!!

I had the pleasure of shooting a new poster for my alma mater Bradley University’s mens basketball team and this was a fun shoot! They had the team come out to my studio a month ago and I have to tell you that this is one very nice group of young men! The university should be very proud of these young men because they have great manners and I thought that maybe that was something that was long gone with today’s young people (doesn’t that make me sound like a crotchety old man?).

The guys had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs! We shot a variety of shots from then being tough to them being completely silly and goofing and having fun! Here’s the shot that was picked for the poster and I have to thank Mark Burdess from Burdess and Associates for putting this poster together as he always does and he never disappoints!!!!

Have a great week and thanks as always for checking out my photos!!!!!!!


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Harvesting in Wisconsin

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all,

I was up in Wisconsin last week shooting some harvesting and it’s always fun watching the farmers get their crops out of the field! Here in Central Illinois, the farmers have had a very good year with good weather and timely rains. It was dry in September and October and they were getting the crops out of the fields earlier then last year with all the rain in the fall. This year was a piece of cake!!!! The farming photography has pretty much wrapped up for this year and we’ll get back it again next year with planting season starting next spring!

Here’s a couple of snaps from this past week and as you can see, the good weather was still cooperating and the corn was looking real good!

Have a very wonderful week and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!!!


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IHSA Playoff Football

Monday morning greetings to all!!!!!

One of the things that I love shooting is football and when I was a student at Bradley University, I thought I wanted to work for Sports Illustrated. After a few twists and turns, I found commercial photography and have been very happy shooting that all these years! I do have to get out every once and again and scratch that sports itch and this past Saturday was a perfect day to do that!

Peoria Richwoods High School was taking on The Ottawa Pirates in the first round of the IHSA Football Class 5A playoffs. I was able to get a number of great snaps and here are three from Saturday’s game!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I’m hoping that you’re going to have a great week to come!!!!!!!!


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