Joe Bonamassa

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!!

I’m getting back into the flow of things this past week and I can’t complain!

One of the goodies that I shot this past week was a concert with blues guitarist Joe Bonamassa at the Peoria Civic Center. Joe Bonamassa is probably a musician that you haven’t heard of, but he is a guitar player’s guitar player. He did a really interesting thing for his Peoria Civic Center show. The first half of the show was him sitting down and playing an acoustic set of songs with a three piece band and they were all ‘unplugged”. There was a very nice array of songs and different genre’s of music as well. Once the acoustic set was done, they took a 15 minute break and got ready for an electric set. The other thing that I really liked about his electric set is that he had a completely different group of musicians playing in the band for this set!!! Again, a great group of songs and genre’s of music that really made it interesting!!!

Here’s a few of my snaps from the Joe Bonamassa show at the Peoria Civic Center.

Have a great week as always and thanks for checking out my photos!!!


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4650 miles!!!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!!

Wow, that was one heck of a road trip!!! When I got back to the house on Sunday afternoon, my trip gage told me that I had traveled 4650 miles on my trip these past two weeks!!!! The thing that I so love about a big road trip like this is that I was able to combine a photo shoot with a lot of personal photography on the way!!! It’s one of the perks that I have always enjoyed is to be able to go somewhere and do a shoot for a client and then to be able to spend some personal time shooting photos for me! In this case, the road trip took me from Peoria to Phoenix for my shoot and then out to the West coast to see my folks for a few days before heading back and shooting all along the way!!!! It’s so nice to be able to do that and just go where ever you want and where the road will take you!!!!

One of my stops on the way out to Phoenix was at the Painted Desert and the Petrified Forrest National Parks. The area of the two parks are located just off of I-40 just outside of Holbrook, Az. They are two radically different areas with the Painted Desert being a big wide open area with vast panoramic areas! At sundown it is so beautiful to see the earth tone colors of the land! The Petrified Forrest is just down the road 10 miles and it’s landscapes are radically different with more subtle tones with the iron colored petrified wood dotting the landscape!!!!!!

I have two photos for you today, the first is from the Painted Desert and the second is a piece of petrified wood with it’s rich iron colors against the background of the “Blue Mesa” area of the park!

Painted Desert

Petrified Forrest

Alright, it’s time to get back in the saddle and busy with work!!! There are more imagines that I’ll be sharing from my Western road-trip in the coming weeks!!!! I hope that you have a wonderful week!!!!


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24 years and I’m still rocking!

Monday morning greetings to one and all!!!

Here it is my anniversary this week of working for myself and it’s been 24 amazing years!!!! It’s funny how time can go so fast for some things and for others it seems like just yesterday when it’s been all these many years ago!! Needless to say I’m incredibly blessed to be doing something that I so enjoy doing! I’m also very fortunate to have been able to make a living doing photography and taking that from a hobby to a profession. The business of photography is changing and it has been changing for a number of years now and being able to adapt and change has always been a big part of any business! The question that I now get a lot is how much longer am I going to continue doing photography before retiring. My answer has always been that I’ll keep doing it as long I’m enjoying it and once I’ve had enough, I’ll be shooting nature photography for myself in my retirement! For the time being, I’m not going anywhere!!!! 🙂

Speaking of work, I was out in the Scottsdale, Az. area shooting some photos for a client this past week and I’ll be sharing some of those photos when the magazine gets printed! One of the things that I’ve always enjoy doing is to try and shoot some personal images when time permits! In this case, I was staying in Fountain Hills, Az. and little did I know that they have the fourth tallest fountain in the world! Needless to say I had to get a shot of it and this image at sundown seems like the perfect image to finish off my 24 years in business!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work every week and I hope that you enjoy seeing these images as much as I enjoy shooting them and sharing them with you!!!!

I hope that you’re going to have a very wonderful week!!!!


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They are ready to go!!!!

Monday morning greetings from Holbrook, Az.!!!!

I’m on the road again this week and I sure like that!!!!! It’s been a few weeks since I was out of state on a shoot, so it’s nice to do it again!!!! If you do too much of anything it can get old, so to have a nice mix of work in town and out of town has always been wonderful in my eyes! The other thing that I like is that I can combine some work for my client with being able to shoot some nature photography for myself! It’s never upsetting when that happens! You’ll be seeing some of those snaps in the coming weeks!

Well in Central Illinois, our farmers are really chomping at the bit to get going and start planting their crops. Our winter has lasted way longer then it did last year, so they are really behind compared to 2013. Last year at this time most of the farmers were well on their way to getting there crops in the ground, while this year they haven’t even started! There is still some frost in the ground and the top soil is too wet to get the planting equipment in the ground! It will happen at some point, but probably not as early as any of them would like!!!!

Here’s a few of my shots from last weeks shoot for my friends at LG Seeds!!!!

I know I’m going to have a great week here out West and I hope that you do as well!!! Thanks for checking out my work and have a great one!!!!


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