They sure don’t make them like this anymore!!!

Memorial Weekend Monday greetings to one and all,

Don’t get me wrong, there are some cool cars out there today, but Detroit sure doesn’t build cars anymore like the 1957 Chevrolet Nomad that I had in the studio a week ago! I remember seeing these when I was a kid and thinking how cool they were!!!! I would see photos in some of the different car magazines back in the 60’s and they would have Nomads all rigged up with surf boards on the roof and I always thought that was great!!!!

On this snap that I’m sharing today, it’s a rear three quarter view and I just love how those massive fins reach skyward!!!!

If you’re traveling home today, I hope that you have safe travels and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!


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The $64.99 shot!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!!!

Sometimes it takes money to make money and I’m sure you’ve heard that before! I was doing a shoot last week and one of the things that I love is when someone is doing grinding of metal. The photos that I get from this are always great and usually better then when someone is doing welding. With welding you can get sparks and stuff is flying, but you have this intense spot where the welding is being done and the photo gets really overexposed in that area and I’m just not a fan of that! You don’t get that effect when someone is doing grinding, so it really makes for a better photo!

On this shot, I was shooting some other stuff and saw this guy doing some grinding on the job site and thought I would take a few minutes and try to create something different. I took my camera and put it in right into the trail of sparks that was coming off the grinder and that’s something that I’ve never tried before. Right away I knew that I was getting something special, so I shot a few photos like this for a couple of minutes. When I was all done shooting this, I looked at the front of the lens and the UV filter on the front of the lens was pitted from all the sparks and it’s pretty much toast! I had to order new one and it cost me $64.99 for a new UV filter, but that’s a small price to pay for a great shot! The other good thing is that I’ll save that filter and next time I get in a situation like this, I’ll be able to use the pitted filter for that!

I hope that you have a wonderful week to come and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!!!


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1966 Aston Martin DB6

подаръциикона за подаръкMonday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!!

You probably know that I love shooting pictures of cars, so it should come as no surprise that getting the opportunity to shoot an Aston Martin is something special! We’re talking an old school 1966 DB6 and this baby is pretty darn sweet! For those of you James Bond fans, this is a couple years older then the 1964 DB5 that was featured in the movie “Goldfinger”. One of the things that’s always amazing to me about a car like this is the craftsmanship that goes into building and assembling one of these beauties! You can really tell that a lot of love and sweat went into this outstanding DB6!

Here’s a couple of my snaps of this beautiful 1966 Aston Martin!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great week to come!!!!!


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Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!

On my trip to Charleston a week ago, one of the cool things that grabbed me right away was the bridge from Charleston Sc. to Mount Pleasant Sc. The Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge is one of those cable-stayed bridges that really gets your attention with its two distinctive towers that support the bridge along with the white coated cables that hold up the bridge. I just love the interplay and geometric shapes that are created within the bridge!

We were able to get a couple of views of the bridge from some different vantage points from around the area and I’m sharing three of those shots today!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I really do appreciate that you take the time to do so!!!! Have a great week to come as well!!!


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