Bellevue Iowa and the Mississippi River!

ъглови леглаMonday Peoria greetings to all!

I was up in Iowa and Wisconsin shooting last week and snagged this snap of Bellevue, Iowa and the Mississippi River. The colors of autumn this year in the Midwest have been a little disappointing, but sometimes that’s the case and this year is just one of those years!!! We’ve seen the leaves turning and the colors have been very muted compared to years gone by. As you know, I really love intense and vibrant colors and to not have that this year is a downer!!!!!! Oh well, maybe next year!!!!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a wonderful week to come as always!!!!!!!


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Tanners Orchard

Monday morning greetings to all!

Here in Central Illinois, we all know that the good days of fall are slipping away and the winter months are just down the road!!!!! We’ve got to take advantage of the nice weather and that’s exactly what I did last Friday afternoon. I hadn’t been out to Tanners Orchard in a few years and it was a sunny day and the temps were in the low 70’s, so it was a perfect day to get out and enjoy the nice weather!!!!! If you’re not here in the Peoria area, I’m sure that you’ve got a local orchard like Tanners and it’s indeed one of the best places in the fall season! You can smell all the goodies in the bakery and the cider is flowing and the Cider Doughnuts are to die for!!!!!!

If you haven’t had the chance to get out and check it out, this week could be the perfect one to do so!!!! Here are some of my snaps from the day and you can see that with the sun and blue skies, I was in hog heaven!!!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and seeing what wacky adventures that I’ve been up too!!!!! I hope that you have a great week as always!!!!!


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An Ireland Slideshow

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!

I’m rocking and rolling as always and I’ve put together a slideshow with some of my images from my trip to Ireland a week ago. You’ll see the first part of the slideshow are images from the trip up to Belfast from Dublin and then the rest of the slideshow are from a day and a half walking around Dublin. Getting to spend a little time here really makes me want to visit again at some point in the future and I know that I will!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and have a great week!!!!


Dublin and breaking even!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!

I just flew in from Dublin last night and man are my arms tired!!! Sure it’s a bad joke, but what the heck!

I was over in Dublin last week for a quick gig and I sure had a great time there! The people were very nice and the Guinness was like mothers milk! !!!! I snagged this snap in Dublin on Friday night and the whole day was pretty darn perfect. The sun was out most of the day and the city sure takes on a different feel then when it’s gray and rainy. Here’s my snap of the Samuel Beckett Bridge along the river Liffey and the riverfront of the city.

Breaking even!!! Man, that is a very wonderful feeling. To make a long story short, last year (2009) the goal was to break even as a business. I was able to do it, but it came down to December and a last minute job. This year (2010) the goal has been once again to break even and I’m happy to report that it happened at the first of October! Trust me, the economy still isn’t out of the doldrums yet, but I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! There are still too many people out of work and the recovery isn’t happening fast enough for those people! My heart goes out to them!!!!!!

OK, the goal next year is to break even and hopefully it will happen before October! I’ll let you know!!!!!! Thanks to all of my wonderful clients that made this happen for me, I sure am very appreciative of it!!!!!!!

Have a great week and it’s time for me to get on another plane this morning and head to Atlanta for a quick one day shoot!


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