All gave some, Some gave all!

Tuesday morning greetings to one and all!!!

“All gave some, some gave all”

Sometimes it’s easy to forget what Memorial Day weekend is all about. It’s easy to get wrapped up in a three day weekend and spending time with family and friends. There’s auto racing and cookouts and we look forward to that through out the year.

It takes just a moment to remember those that have fought and died to keep us free. Safe from people that don’t always have our best interests at heart and want to do us harm. We have those that have served before and those that are currently keeping us safe to thank and remember.

I hope that you had a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend and you took a moment to remember that “Some gave all”!


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PIA Skyline

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!!

I wanted to get out and get a new shot of the Peoria skyline last week and the weather was perfect! Our skyline has changed over the past few years with the new additions of the Peoria Riverfront Museum and the Caterpillar Visitors Center. The downtown is coming together and in the coming years is going to change even more! It will be interesting to see what happens next!!!

Here’s my new shot of the Peoria skyline and I’ve also got some links for a computer desktop images for those that are looking for something new to look at as well.

Widescreen image

Standard screen image

Facebook cover image

I hope that you have a great week to come and thanks for taking the time to check out my work!


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Graduation Time

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

One of the fun gigs that I’ve gotten to shoot these past few years is the graduation at Spoon River College. For those of you not from Central Illinois, SRC is a local junior college located in Canton, Il.

SRC has a very cool tradition at the end of the graduation ceremony that I’ve only seen them do. All of the professors will form up in two lines and the graduates will walk down the center of that tunnel. As the graduates are walking through the tunnel of professors, you’ll see “high fives”, handshakes, fist bumps, hugs and tears. It’s a very emotional time for the graduates and their professors.

Here’s one of my shots from Saturday’s graduation at SRC!

I hope that you have a great week to come and thanks for taking the time to check out my work!


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It’s planting time!!!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!

This year has been a very wacky year for weather and I’ve heard that we had the second coldest April since they have been keeping records! Besides being cold in April, it was also very wet with record flooding in parts of the Midwest. For our farming friends trying to get their crops planted in the fields, it means they are waiting for things to dry up and warm up. We’re now getting to a point where things are starting to look up for our farmers and the weather is getting a little better and they are getting out and getting their seed planted!

Here’s one of my snaps from last weeks first farming shoot of the year! This is always something that I really enjoy shooting and like the farmers wanting to plant their crops, I can’t wait to get out and do a little farming photography!!!!

Here’s a Facebook version of the photo as well!

I hope that you have a great week to come and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!!!


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