Hydro Gear

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all my friends around the globe!!!

I always like it when I get to shoot with a new client and this past week I got to do a shoot for Hydro Gear! Unless you’re in the riding lawn mower manufacturing business (or you’re from Sullivan, Illinois), you’ve probably never heard of Hydro Gear. The company is the global leader in the manufacture of hydrostatic transmissions and a number of other products. It’s one of the best parts of my job to be able to go in and see what a great company is doing and how efficient and quality driven that they are!

We just scratched the surface on day one with all that we did and I can’t wait to go back and shoot some more photos for them! Here’s some of my shots from that first day of the people of Hydro Gear.

Thanks as always for taking the time to check out my work and I hope that you have a great week to come!!!!


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DeMorgenzon Wine Estates

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!!

One of the places where we got to shoot at a couple of weeks ago in South Africa was the DeMorgenzon Wine Estate. It’s a place that you can see up on the hill and the views from this estate are incredible!!! I know that when I go back to visit South Africa, this will be one of my stops again and I’ll be able to spend a little more time next time!

Here’s some of my snaps from the DeMorgenzon Winery!!!

I hope that you have a wonderful week to come and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!!


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Rio de Janeiro Sunset

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!!

I made it back from my world trip this past Wednesday and four hours later I was on my way to Griffin, Ga. for a shoot on Thursday and Friday! I’m leaving today for a shoot here in the Midwest, so it’s crazy busy and that sure is a wonderful feeling!!!!

Last weekend I was shooting in Rio de Janeiro and one of the things that I wanted to do last year when I was there was to get a night shot of the city! It didn’t happen becuase of time constraints last year, but this time it did! We were able to shoot from the top of Sugarloaf Mountain and it’s a heck of a view of the entire Rio area! If you’re going to go in the future, I can highly recommend it!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great week to come!!!


Cape Town, SA

Monday morning greetings from Rio de Janeiro!

I’ve been on an incredible shoot over the past two weeks and we’ve got a few more days here in Brazil before coming back home to Peoria on Wednesday and that will be very nice! Lots of stuff and people to shoot in Dubai, South Africa, Namibia and finally here in Brazil. To me it’s always incredible that I’m asked to do shoots like this, so I feel very blessed indeed!

Here’s one of my snaps of Cape Town, South Africa at night and this one looks spectacular!!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and have a great week to come!!!!


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Monday morning greetings from Cape Town, South Africa!

I’m out on the road and was shooting in Dubai this past week! This was my second trip there and I really like the city, but not in July!!!! We were there for four days and the coolest day with the heat index was 115 and on the first morning in the port city of Fujairah, it was well north of 125 and that’s getting to be dangerously hot!!!! Despite that, we were able to get a number of great shots and this is one of them! We wanted to get a night shot of the city and try something different, so we went and shot all the buildings along Sheikh Zayed Road. If you look on the right side of the image, you’ll see the tallest building in the world, the Burj Khalifa!

It’s time for me to get busy, we start shooting in Cape Town in a couple of hours!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I’ll have more to share next week!!!


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“Elvis has left the building!”

Monday morning greetings to one and all from plane over the Atlantic Ocean!

One of the things that I always loved about Elvis was at his concerts when he was done performing, he would wave to the crowd as the band played his exit music and he would be whisked to the waiting limo by security and he would leave the arena. The PA announcer would say the famous “Elvis has left the building” line once he was gone and then the audience knew that there wouldn’t be any more encores and it was time to leave! I always thought that since Elvis was larger then life, this was a great way to make a dramatic exit!!!

We’ll unlike Elvis, I’m not larger then life, but I’ve left the studio! We closed this past Thursday on the sale of the studio and I took that check right over to the bank and deposited it and I can tell you that it was a great feeling!!!! I have zero regrets about selling it and am really looking forward to working out of the house once again!!!!! With all the shooting that I’m doing on location and not in the studio, it just made sense!!!!

Speaking of being on location, I’ll be out of the country on a shoot till August 1st. The world has truly become my studio!!!

For those of you that have never been to the studio, here it was! It wasn’t much to look at on the outside, but on the inside it was wonderful!!!

Thanks and always for taking the time to check out my work and I hope that you have a great week to come!!!


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Welcome to Summer!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!

Last week in the midwest was a little toasty to say the least!!!!! The temps were well in the 100 range and the humidity was pretty off the charts as well here in Peoria. When it gets that hot, it’s probably best to stay inside in the air conditioning or be lounging in a nice cool swimming pool, that’s what a smart person would do. What did I do? I ended up shooting at one of the hottest places around regardless of the time of year, I shot at the Mapleton Foundry! I’ll tell you what, these are “real” men that work in the foundry! It’s a hot, dirty, nasty job and they do it and do it well! I think that most of us wouldn’t last but a few days working in those conditions!!!!

We were able to get some great shots and here’s one of my favorites! The guy is “pouring” the molten iron into moulds and at the end of the pour, if there’s a little extra they have an overflow and then you get all the sparks like you see in this shot!!! It was like an early Fourth of July for me!!!!

Thanks as always for taking the time to see what I’ve been shooting and I hope that you have a great week to come!!!


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Infigen Energy and Wind Turbines!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!!!

I got to do some work for a new client these past couple of weeks called Infigen Energy. Infigen is in the business of wind farms and producing clean renewable energy from wind turbines! The company is based out of Australia and they have a U.S. branch here in Dallas, Texas. I was able to shoot at their offices in Dallas a couple of weeks ago and also got to see and shoot in the control room which monitors all of their wind farms here in the U.S. It was very cool needless to say!!!

This past week I shot at two of their wind farm just north of Peoria a couple of hours and we did a lot of people shots with the technicians that service and repair those wind turbines that you see out in the farm fields!!! I was able to also shoot a couple of scenic shots as well and I’ve got one of those to share today! The GSG Wind Farm is just west of Mendota Illinois and you can see it from I-39 just south of Rockford. As luck would have it, a farmer was out harvesting his winter wheat and I was able to do a 180 degree image of the wind farm and the wheat field! This is just a small portion of the image that I was able to shoot!

I hope that you have a great week to come and thanks as always for taking the time to check out my work!!!!


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Dale Chihuly and The Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all my friend around the globe!!!

One of the things that I really like to do when I’m on a road trip if time permits, is to get out and shoot a little personal photography. This past week I was down in Dallas on a very quick couple of shoots and I was able to get over to the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens to check out an exhibit from Dale Chihuly. You might know his glass art work more by the name Chihuly. They really did a very nice job of setting up his artwork around the different areas of the gardens, so everything wasn’t just in one place! If you’re going to be in the Dallas area in the next five months, the Chihuly exhibit will be running through November 5th!

Here’s some on my snaps from the day spent at the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens!!!!

Thanks as always for taking the time to check out my work and I hope that you have a great week to come!!!


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Fun with Jeeps!!!

Monday morning Irving Texas greetings to all!!!

I am just rocking and rolling and it’s indeed the busy time of the year for me and I’m so grateful that it is!!!

I had a great shoot last weekend in Peoria and we sure had a lot of fun! We were out shooting for Dana who makes axels for off road jeeps along with a bunch of other trucks and vehicles! For this shoot, we wanted to get some off road jeeps out doing their thing getting muddy and then shoot some photos of their proud owners with their jeeps! We did a number of shots, but this is one of my favorites from the shoot!!!

I hope that you’ll have a great week as always and thanks for checking out my work!!!


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