Hot potato!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!!

One of the two best things that happens here in the Midwest in the fall is the cooler temperatures from summer and the other great thing is IHSA playoff football. These high school kids have all played a season of football and now the best of the best are competing in the playoffs. They will have playoff games for a few more weeks with the championship games being played at the University of Illinois in Champaign on Thanksgiving weekend!

One of the things that I really like is to have a high school football payoff game that’s played on sunny Saturday afternoon and I get to shoot it!!! Brimfield/Elmwood played a St. Thomas Moore from Champaign, Il. on Saturday and I was able to shoot it and I had a blast!!!!

Here’s one of my snaps from the game and indeed that football can be a “Hot Potato”!!!!

I hope that you have a wonderful week to come and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!!


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If you build it, they will come!!!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

It was a long time coming, but the Caterpillar Visitors Center and Peoria Riverfront Museum had their grand openings this past Saturday! These projects have been talked about for years and it was great to see both of these buildings finally completed. This is going to be huge for the city of Peoria and I think that we’ll see other development downtown as well and that will be great!!!!

On Saturday, CVC and PRM had a joint ribbon cutting ceremony and the event started off with Caterpillar CEO Doug Oberhelman arriving on a new Caterpillar locomotive and it was pulling a number of Caterpillar products as well. It was one heck of a way to make an entrance!!!! A number of people responsible for making these projects happen gave some speeches and then the ribbon cutting happened! After that, both facilities were opened to the public and the crowds flocked in! I was only shooting photos at the CVC on Saturday and I’ll have to get over to PRM at some point soon!!!!

Here’s some of my shots from Saturday and the inside of the Caterpillar Visitors Center! Hopefully you’ll be able to make it to see both facilities and enjoy all the hard work that was put into these projects!

Have a great rest of the week and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!!


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A game-changer

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all,

Sometimes a product or service comes around and you can just tell that it’s going to be big and have an impact on what you do and how you do it. I got a new camera about a month ago and I can already see that it will be taking me in new directions. Canon came out with the 5D III about six months ago and I waited for any bugs to be worked out that usually happen with a new product launch. Besides a number of technical features that I won’t bore you with, the camera also shoots HD video. Now to my photography friends, this really isn’t anything new becuase still cameras have had this capability for a number of years. Shooting video isn’t something that I really want to do, but I can see where at times I can be doing a little bit for an added bonus for the client.

I was shooting in a couple of coal mines in Indiana and Kentucky last week for Central Fabricators (they make buckets for earth moving equipment) and besides shooting the stills, I was able to flip a switch and shoot a little video as well. When I got back to the see this video on the computer, I was blown away by the quality!

Here’s one of the snaps from the shoot and we had a perfect day! Here’s also the same scene shot on video and it’s worth checking out as well!

Thanks as always for taking the time to see what I’m doing and I hope that you have a great rest of the week!!!


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Harvesting season is here!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!!

It’s that time of the year here in the Midwest when the farmers are out harvesting their crops. Here in the Peoria area they have gotten a lot done and when you drive around you’ll see how many fields have been harvested!

I was out shooting some harvesting shots with my friends at LG Seeds this past Thursday morning and it was one of those days that was just beautiful!!! It was a nice cool fall day and lots of sun and it sure made up for a long hot summer!!! We were able to get a number of great shots and I’ve got a couple that I’m sharing with you today!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a wonderful week to come!!!!!


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Chevrolet and the University Of Illinois

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!

I did a shoot for Chevrolet last May over at the U of I in Champaign, Illinois and I’m now able to share the first part of that shoot. Chevy has teamed up with the U of I to do a promotion with the football and basketball teams and I got hired to snap the shots! Chevy wanted shots of some of their different cars with Memorial Stadium (football) and Assembly Hall (basketball). I went over a few weeks before the shoot and scouted the locations and did some quick test shots for the people in Michigan. We looked at the weather and picked what ended up to be a perfect day, beautiful blue skies and lots and lots of sun!!!! For the different ads, we shot individual shots of the cars at each location and then did a group shot of all of the cars as well.

Today I’m sharing the group shot at Memorial Stadium!!!

I hope that you have a great week to come and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!


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Route 66 Mother Road Festival

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all my friends here in the USA and around the globe!!!

The summer season ended this past Saturday and the weather couldn’t have been nicer here in Peoria! With temperatures in the low 60’s all weekend and beautiful sun and blue skies, you couldn’t have asked for a better weekend!!! We’ve had a hot summer here in Peoria, so this was a welcome change in the weather!

On Sunday I was able to take advantage of the great weather and drive down to Springfield, Ill. to check out the Route 66 Mother Road Festival. They closed off a number of streets in the downtown area and have about a 1000 show cars on display. There’s everything from the old Ford Model T’s right up to the latest and greatest Chevy Corvettes. The nice things is that there’s something for everyone at this festival with food, drinks and music and the best part is that it’s all free!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great rest of the week!!!


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Hannibal, Mo. and a Sunday drive!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!!

I remember as a kid when we as a family would hop in the car on a Sunday afternoon and take a nice “Sunday drive”. Back 40 years ago, gas was .30 cents a gallon and didn’t require a call to the banker to get a loan to fill up the car. You were able to go out and have a nice drive in the country for a couple of bucks and everyone had a great time! We can still take those drives on a Sunday afternoon today, but maybe not as often as we did when I was a kid!

We had another beautiful weekend’s weather here in Peoria, so we decided to take advantage of it and take a nice Sunday drive! We ended up down the road in Hannibal, Mo. and it’s one of those great Mississippi River towns! They have a great little downtown and it’s fun to walk around and check everything out!

Here’s a few of my shots from an afternoon spent in Hannibal, Mo.!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great week to come!!!


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Busch Stadium in STL

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!

Wow, the weather this past weekend in Peoria and St. Louis was outstanding! We had some rain and a wonderful Canadian cold front that pushed all of the heat and humidity out of the area. The temps were in the mid 70’s and it could have been nicer! We were able to get out of Peoria for a much needed weekend of R & R in St. Louis and it was great. It had been a couple of years since we’d been to a Cardinal game and the weather was perfect on Saturday night, so we grabbed some tickets and made a night of it! There are few stadiums that offer such a beautiful background as Busch Stadium and seeing the city of St. Louis and the Arch as the view is wonderful!!!!

I was able to get a great panoramic shot of the stadium and the city and that’s what I’m sharing with you today!

I hope that you have a wonderful week to come and thanks as always for checking out my work!


PS, Being a Cubs fan and having my horrible team hopelessly out of the playoffs, I didn’t shed to big of a tear when the Cardinals lost the game! he-he-he!!!!!!

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Tee it up for the troops 2012!

Tuesday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!!

For my friends here in the US, I hope that you have a safe and wonderful Labor Day Weekend! It’s going to be very nice to have a short work week!

This past week I was out shooting for the second year in a row at the Tee it up for the Troops charity event at Mt. Hawley country club here in Peoria. It’s an great event that has raised a bunch money nationally and locally here in Peoria as well! In the morning round of golf, all the golfers are current or retired military and Mt. Hawley and Peoria Country Club provide free golf to all participants. It’s a very nice event and I think that everyone has a great time!!!!

Here are a few of my snaps from the day to check out!

I hope that you have a fantastic week and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!!!


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It’s time for some football!!!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!!!

It’s getting to be that time of year when football season gets going! Already the local Peoria High School teams had their first games this past weekend and we’ll have the college and NFL seasons starting in the next couple of weeks. I can’t wait to see a game in person or just kick back on the couch and watch them at home!

Right before I left for my world shoot back in July, I was able to do a shoot for my friends at Schutt Sports! We had a great shoot as always and shot a variety of shots and it worked out great!!! Here’s one of my shots of our three football players all decked out in some Schutt gear!

Next weekend here in the US is Labor Day weekend. If you’ll be traveling like I am, have fun and be safe!!!!

Thanks as always for taking the time to check out my work and I hope that you have a great week!!!!


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