Old School

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!

I’m back in town this week, so it’s a very strange feeling after being on the road for the past five weeks!

I was up in Minnesota and Wisconsin shooting some farming stuff for my friends at LG Seeds. One of the farmers that we got to meet and shoot was Dean and he told me that he had an old tractor in the barn and that sounded like a good idea for a photo. He also told me that his grandfather had bought the tractor back in 1957 and at some point, his dad sold the tractor a number of years later. Dean hadn’t seen the tractor for a number of years and was talking to a farming neighbor from down the road a few miles and found out that the neighbor had bought the tractor from his dad. Dean wanted it and bought it back from the neighbor and brought it back “home”!

Here’s a snap of Dean and his grandfather’s tractor! Old school baby!!!!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great week!!!


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“Christ O Rendentor” and 21 years!!!!!!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!!

Even though April is a month that most of us dread because of April 15th and paying our taxes, it’s the anniversary of starting my photography business 21 years ago!

I was in Brazil last week on a shoot and it’s always very interesting to go to a place that you’ve never been before. We had a really good shoot and got lots of great images for the client and that’s always a very good thing! Most of the week was spent in the Sao Paulo area, but on the last couple of days, we were in Rio de Janeiro. One of the ares that we got to shoot in Rio was “Christ O Rendentor” or in english, “Christ the Redeemer” statue. If you’ve ever seen any photos of Rio, they will always show photos of the 130 foot statue that sits atop the 2,300 foot high mountain of Corovado and over looks the city of Rio. The best way to see the statue is to take the train, “Trem de Corovado” to the top of the mountain and then you can spend as much time up top at the statue as you’d like! Besides seeing the statue, you’ll get some incredible views of the city of Rio!

Here’s a few of my snaps from “Christ the Redeemer”.

Year 22 of business starts today and the doors are open are it’s time to get to work!!!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my photography and I hope that you have a wonderful week to come!!!!!!


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Sunday night greetings from Sao Paulo, Brazil!!!!

I’m back on the road after a quick two day stop at home to do a couple of shoots and some laundry. It’s always nice to be home!!!!!!!

When I get some praise for nice photos that I’ve done, it’s usually not so much about me as a photographer as it is the opportunity that I’ve been given. My clients put me in the position to succeed and make pretty pictures. The photos that you’re looking at weren’t taken around the globe, but they could have been. Instead, we went to Seattle for the week and shot photos that made it looked like we had gotten a ton of frequent flier miles!!!!! There were a lot of meetings and preparation that went into this shoot well before I ever took the first photograph. It shows what can be done with a lot of planning!!!

Here’s four of the many snaps that we got and I have to say that I’m pretty darn proud of these!!!! From Africa to Asia and all points in between!!!!! At least we made it look that way!!!!

It’s time to get to work, Brazil is calling!!!!

I hope that you have a wonderful week as always and thanks again for checking out my work!!!!


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My friend Mike Rowe!

Monday morning Seattle greetings to all!

I’ve been on a whirlwind tour of the USA this past couple of weeks with shoots in Texas, Las Vegas and now Seattle for the past couple of days!

I’ve got a friend named Mike, Mike Rowe to be official. Are we BFF? Probably not. Have we consumed adult beverages together? Yes! In the past year, I’ve had the distinct pleasure of doing three different shoots with Mike and I have to tell you that it’s one of the highlights of my photography career! We’ve had so much fun on these shoots and I laugh throughout the day and it’s a very good thing. There are so many “Mikeisims” that occur during a days shoot like these and it’s just so much darn fun!

Our shoot in Las Vegas this past week was wonderful and it’s just a pure joy working with Mike as it always is! We had a special guest for part of this shoot and it was Caterpillar’s CEO, Doug Oberhelman. Doug and Mike did a number of video clips together and as usual, I was there to capture these behind the scenes moments. You could tell that they both had a great time working together and it goes to show you that even CEO’s can be a little star stuck with someone like Mike!

I’ve got to get rocking and rolling becuase I’ve got a couple more days of shooting here in Seattle before heading back to Peoria for a couple of days and then I’ll be down to the southern hemisphere for a shoot in Brazil to start off April!!!!!

As always, I hope that you have a wonderful week and thanks as always for checking out my photos!!!!

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Remember the Alamo!

Monday morning Albuquerque greetings to all!

I was rocking and rolling down in Texas last week on a number of shoots and was able to grab a quick moment to get a couple of personal shots for me!  The Alamo is down in San Antonio and it’s one of those spots that has a ton of history and is worth checking out if you’re every down that way!!!!!!  Here’s one of my snaps from that night and it’s a minor miracle that I didn’t have anyone posing in this shot!!!!!  SOMETIMES YOU JUST GET LUCKY!!!!!!!   

Things are starting to heat up on the work front and that’s a great feeling after having a couple of down years!!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a wonderful week!!!!!


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Seven cars and trucks in 15 hours!!!!

Monday Texas greetings to all!!!!

First and foremost, my thoughts and prayers go out to the people of Japan and this incredible tragedy of the past week! By no means is this all over and it’s going to be a very long process to rebuild the country and the people!!!!

I had a fun little shoot this past week for my friends at Green Chevrolet!
They brought seven cars and trucks into the studio for a quick two day shoot and I was able to do a nice little time lapse of entire process and what it took to shoot all of this!!!!! Here’s a great piece compressing the 15 hours down to two minutes!!!!!!!!

I’m hope that you have a great week as always and thanks for checking out my work!!!!


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Something out of nothing!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all,

One of the fun and most challenging things that I have to do as a photographer is to make an interesting photo from something that might not seem all that interesting as a subject. My friends at Simformotion have come up with some new controllers for their motion simulators and brought them to the studio last week. After shooting some standard shots of the controllers, they wanted something a little more edgy, so I had to come up with something that made them look cool. A couple of ways that I can do this is through lighting and also selective focus of the camera. For these three controllers, I zoomed in on the handles and was able to add a little mood lighting and we were all good to go! Here’s a nice sample of the effect I got for these shots.

It’s always very gratifying to come away with something that you like and the client likes as well!!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great week!!!!


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Eighty Eight Hundred Horses!

Monday morning Illinois greetings to all!!!!

I have always love anything that has an engine, so you can imagine how much I love seeing a tractor with four engines in my studio last week!!!!! My friends at LG Seeds have sponsored Bret Berg and his “Moneymaker” tractor in the NTPA. If you’re not from the Midwest, you probably don’t know what a tractor pull is, but it doesn’t get more Americana then guys seeing how far their tractors can pull a weighted sled. The thing that I loved about seeing this tractor was the four engines that power this bad boy. I asked Bret what the horsepower was that these engines were putting out and he said they were putting out 2200 horsepower per engine on the dyno!!! That’s 8800 horsepower on this tractor and that’s a lot of giddy up in my book!!!!

Here’s a couple of photos from the day and the first shot is one of Bret’s tractor in the studio and the second shot is one of Bret and I and his Moneymaker tractor!

I hope that you have a great week as always and thanks for checking out my work!!!!!


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Verizon and the Iphone!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!

Last week I got an Iphone! I had to wait three years to get one and you’re probably thinking why did I wait so long? When Apple first announced that they were making a phone three and a half years ago, I wanted one and I wanted it bad! At the time they granted exclusive rights to AT&T and if you wanted one, you had to switch to AT&T for your cell service. Having been on enough shoots outside of the big cities (that’s rural America folks) and seeing how clients and art directors didn’t have any service, that sealed the deal for me. I knew that I would have to wait and wait I did until Apple’s exclusive deal with AT&T ran it’s three year contract.

So my long wait finally is over and last week I got my Iphone from Verizon and I have to tell you I’m loving it! So far so good and the phone works like a champ! I was so happy that I had to shoot a shot of it and here it is.

It’s time to get busy and get to work!!!! I hope that you have an outstanding week as always and thanks again for checking out my stuff!!!!


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Snapshots from Santa Fe, NM.!

Sunny Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!

I was able to swing by Santa Fe NM. for a quick visit on the way out to see my folks and as always, it’s a wonderful time walking around the downtown area and seeing everything that’s going on! If you’re looking to shop and spend a couple of bucks, this is the place!!!!! I’ll have to get back there when I’ve got a little more time and can really explore the city!!!!

Here’s some of my snaps from a few hours in Santa Fe!

Thanks as always for taking the time to check out my work and I hope that you have an outstanding week!!!!!


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