ICC and the Peoria Flickr Group!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!!!

It’s probably got to be a very short week for a lot of my American friends with the big 4th of July weekend coming up next weekend! If you are going to travel, make it a safe one!

I was out this past Saturday morning at Illinois Central College’s Hort Gardens with some of my friends from the Peoria Flickr group. They have a monthly photo walk and this month we were over at ICC. We had a very good day to shoot and I’ve already seen a number of great shots from everyone in the group and that’s what it’s all about!!!!! Here’s a collage of nine of my snaps and you might see something that you like in these!!!!!!

Here’s also a link for our Peoria Flickr group if you’d like to see some of the very talented photographers here in Peoria!!!! http://www.flickr.com/groups/peoria/

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great rest of the week!!!! Safe travels to those that will be out and about for the big holiday weekend!!!!


Click on image to see a larger version

Azura Boutique

Monday Peoria greetings to all!!!!

My friends over at Azura Boutique have moved to a new store in Peoria Heights on the corner of Prospect and Glen and needed some snaps of the new place! I waited for the perfect night and here’s the results!

I hope that you have a marvelous week to come and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!!



Click on image to see a larger version

Welcome to my post apocalyptic world!

Night-time or early morning Peoria greetings to all my friends around the world!!!!!

You’re probably looking at the bottom of the e-mail looking for your Monday morning pretty picture and there isn’t one, what gives? You’ll just have to click on the first link on the page to see the treat that I have for you today!!!

When I first started doing some time lapse photography six months ago, I started thinking about other possibilities and variations of it besides time lapse.  I had taken a series of photos of this Australian truck for print ads and I thought that I might be able to put something together in the computer that could be different and fun. The first attempt was the original color photos and it was pretty neat,  but it was lacking in intensity.  I took the photos into Photoshop and converted them to Black and White and then added some grain to give it a more edgy feeling.  I also did some blurring and some burning (darkening certain spots of the photos).  I now was getting the look and feel that I was after!!!!!  I want these photos to have a very edgy Mad Max type of feel and I think that I got it!

The piece that I’ve put together today isn’t shot on video, it’s a series of still photos!  I repeat, this isn’t a video!!!!!!

Also for those looking to kill a little time and would like to see a ton of my photos on all sorts of subjects, here’s a link for the rest of my photos on Flickr.  On the right side of the page you’ll see some different “sets” of photos with everything from Peoria photos to food, nature, farming and everything in between!!!!!  Enjoy!!!   http://www.flickr.com/photos/kevinmay/

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a wonderful week to come!!!!


Flickr Video

“Step up your game” and a Lamborghini in the house!

Monday Peoria greetings to all,

Competition. Some people fear it, I embrace it! When I started 21 years ago,  there were only a hand full of photographers in the Central Illinois area doing commercial photography. Today we have a lot of very talented photographers along the I-74 corridor from the Quad Cities down to Champaign that are out there kicking butt with their photography.  When you’re faced with competition like that, you can go sit on the porch and feel sorry for yourself or you can get out there and “step up your game”!  I know that all of these good photographers have pushed me to be a better photographer because of that competition!!!!

I had a Lamborghini Gallardo in the studio this past week and besides shooting a bunch of standard shots,  I tried to push the boundaries with some more moody lighting and this is one of those shots that I really liked!!!!!!   It’s time for me to “Step up my game”!!!!!

I’ve also made a couple of sizes of the image if you want to use this for a desktop image on your computer!
Standard screen    http://kevinmay.com/kmcsd4june11.jpg
HD Widescreen    http://kevinmay.com/kmchd4june11.jpg

I hope that you have a great week as always!!!!


Click on image to see a larger version!