Rocking in Central Illinois!

Monday Morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

Well it’s been another rocking week of work and there’s lots going on! I can tell you that working makes me happy and to have work is a very wonderful thing. I enjoy what I do, so I want to do it all of the time! When things are slow and I’m not shooting photos, it’s just not nearly as much fun, so being busy makes me very happy!

I’ve been doing some work these past few weeks for my friends at G & D Integrated here in the Peoria area and it’s one of those companies that does a lot more then I thought that they did! I’ve always thought that they were just a logistics company that transported parts around the country, but they are also doing some assembly of parts and that’s a big thing that I never realized as well. That’s one of the things that I really love about what I get to do is that I get to see inside a business and see what they are really doing! I guess there is more then meets the eye and that’s a good thing!

Here’s a few of my snaps with my friends at G & D Integrated.

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that your week is a good one!!!


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