That was fast!!!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all my friends around the globe!!!!!

Wow, for my friends here in the US, this coming weekend is Labor Day weekend and that’s the last big weekend to signal the end of summer!!!! The kids are back in school and the college kids at Bradley University were moving in this past Saturday. The high schools and colleges will start playing football this coming weekend, so fall is coming! I’m just always amazed at how fast time flies the older that I get. It seems like it was just yesterday and it was Memorial Day weekend! Wow!!!

Here’s one of my quick snaps from last month when I was shooting a gig down in Texas! I’m always glad to have road trips, but Texas in July is a little toasty!!!! It would be nice to go back there in November or December when things are a whole lot cooler there and here in Peoria as well!!!! This night shot is of the state capital in Austin and the thing that I like about it is that they have a underground walk way for the Texas state legislators. I’m thinking it’s a security thing and also a much cooler way to walk in the summer time!

If you’re traveling this coming Labor Day Weekend, make it a safe one!!!! Have a great time as well and bid summer a fond farewell!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I really do appreciate it!!!!


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