Blazing new trails

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!

Things are still rocking and rolling for us here in Peoria, so we’re very happy about that!!! We had a couple of photo shoots last week and a ton of video editing, so that’s always nice and keeps us very busy! We’re trying to get a bunch of stuff done in the next couple of weeks before we head back out on the road again!

We’re really proud to be sharing one of our latest video projects and boy did this turn out good. The shoot was for our friends at Cat Forestry and we were on location in Canada, Oregon and Washington in February and June of this year. Both locations had their challenges with the Canada portion being filmed in temperatures below zero and the West Coast locations being close to 100 degrees! Sometimes conditions aren’t always as perfect as you would like, but you just make the best of it and know that you’re getting good video and still images!

I’m happy to say that we did all the work on these videos from the shooting to the editing and there is a huge amount of pride in being able to work on a project from start to finish and all points in between like we did with this one!

Here’s a link for the 538 video that we put together!

Thanks as always for taking the time to check out our work and we hope that you have a great week to come!!!

Kev and Jan

Some local flavor

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all,

Well it sure is nice to be back home after our quick shoot in Denver last week! We had a good gig and the weather was perfect one of the two days, so that really helped everything look a lot better! If you know me, I like to shoot on sunny days and feel that for my type of images it brings out the bright snappy colors and lots of contrast and that makes me very happy!

Jan and I got down to Pekin, Illinois on Saturday for the Central Illinois Cruisers car show on Main Street. It’s always fun to go and shoot at these car shows and we always try to make at least one each year. That’s part of the fun of summer is having a car show when the weather is nice. As always, there were lots of great cars and it made for some interesting photos for us! We’re all about shooting the detail shots and trying to hide the sometimes unwanted backgrounds or people in the photos. As you’ll see in this week’s promo, I think we both got what we were looking for! 🙂

Here’s a few of our snaps from Saturday in Pekin!

We’re going to be in town for the next couple of weeks and are looking forward to that, so we hope that you have a great week too!!!

Thanks as always!

Kev and Jan

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What a difference a day makes

Monday morning greetings to one and all!

Busy, busy, busy, yes we are! We’ve got a quick shoot in the Mile High City this week and then back home to Peoria and that sure will be nice! As some of my road warrior friends know, being on the road for a bunch of time can really start to get to you. Don’t get me wrong, we do love road trips and being on the road for shoots and also vacation, but when you’ve been out there as much as we have been this year, it’s sure nice to get back home! There’s something very special about eating your own food and sleeping in your own bed and that’s pretty darn nice!!

Over the last year or so, our friends at UnityPoint Methodist Hospital in Peoria have been giving a much needed freshening up to the exterior of the hospital. I couldn’t even begin to tell you how old the original brick was that they had at the hospital, but it was time for a face lift! To see what they’ve done to the hospital is amazing and what a difference it’s made in the look and feel of the place! They wanted some new photos of the exterior of the hospital and we were able to get out and grab a few snaps of the new and improved UnityPoint Methodist Hospital and I have to say that it’s looking pretty darn good!

Here’s one of our shots and what a difference a day makes!

Thanks as always for checking out our work and we hope that you have a great week to come!!!

Kev and Jan

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Moving and grooving!

Monday morning greetings from Lafayette, In.!

We’re back on the road for the next couple of weeks, so our first stop is a shoot here in Lafayette for the next couple of days and then we’ll be heading back out West after that. It’s that time of the year when we are still in our busy season for another month and a half right up to Labor Day weekend, so we are ready for it!

We had a great shoot this past week for a new client for us. Fort Transfer is a trucking company based out of Morton, Illinois and unless you’re in the farming business, you’ve probably never heard of them. They deliver bulk liquid farming products to all 48 states in the continental US and also up to Canada as well. We had a lot of fun shooting a variety of photos of the operation and some of the people that worked there as well. One of the fun shots that we are sharing today is a little action shot. When something that moves like a vehicle (car, plane, train, truck, etc.), it’s always great to use a slower shutter speed and allow the background to have a little blur. It really helps give the sense of speed and motion.

Here’s one of our photos from our day with Fort Transfer.

Day one is about to get started, so we hope that you’re going to have a great week!!!

Thanks as always!!!


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Down at the park

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

If you had last Monday off of work for the 4th of July, this is going to be one of these weeks that’s a long week. By that I mean we are back to the typical five day work week and it’s always a little tougher for a week like this when you’ve had a short work week the week before. I think the other thing that amazes me too is that this summer is just rocketing by at what seems like light speed. In another month or so, we’ll start hearing people talking about the kids going back to school and then it’s going to be Labor Day weekend and the start of the fall season and high school football! Amazing!

Jan and I have had quite a busy summer season with all of the road trips that we’ve been on for some of our different gigs these past few months. Road trips are always good, but it can make it hard to get things shot for clients here in Central Illinois. We have been trying to shoot some images for a client of the Pekin, Illinois area for a couple of months and working it in between road trips and we weren’t having a ton of luck. As always, the weather can play havoc with us wanting to shoot on only the best days weather wise and the weather not cooperating. Between the summer rain storms and the higher humidities, it can really test your patience! We finally were able to hit a stretch of time in the last few weeks where all the elements came together and we were able to get out and get some of the photos that we needed! I’m sharing one of those iconic Pekin, Illinois images of the Lagoon at Mineral Springs Park.

As always, we appreciate your taking time to check out what we are doing and shooting!!!! Have a great long week as well!!!

Kev and Jan

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Hanging on the coast

Tuesday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

Most of us probably had the day off yesterday for the 4th of July, so that means it’s going to be a short week and there’s never anything wrong with a four day work week! Maybe the only thing better than a four day work week is the whole week off and I’m sure that some of you might be taking a little vacation time as well this week to make it even better!

Jan and I were down in Texas last week for a shoot and it was a little toasty to say the least. We had a great shoot, but man was it hot each day and we were outside shooting, so the adult beverages tasted really good each night. It was nice to come back to Peoria and have it be about 25 degrees cooler, but that’s not going to last so we’ll enjoy it while it’s here.

A couple of weeks ago we were out shooting in the Washington and Oregon area and as we always like to do if the weather is right is to stay for an extra day or two and go out and shoot some photos for ourselves. We were able to take a bit of a drive along the Oregon coast for a day and it was really fun to see the ocean and that makes me realize that I’m not here in the Midwest. The weather wasn’t as nice as we would have liked, but as always we just made the best of it and still were able to get a few photos.

Here’s a few of our photos from the Cape Meares Lighthouse along the Oregon coast.

Thanks as always for checking out our work and we both hope that you have a great week to come!!!

Kev and Jan

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On the road again!

Monday morning greetings from Oklahoma City!

Yes, we are back on the road again this week! One of the questions that I get a lot of late is how much we are on the road for work and if we enjoy it. The answer is yes. Jan and I are very fortunate that we both love to travel and it doesn’t matter to us if it’s for work or for fun. The good thing on a business road trip is that if time permits, we try to work on some personal days as well to get out and explore and shoot some photos for ourselves. To me, being able to get out and see the country has been something that I’ve always enjoyed since I was a wee lad and that was a couple of years ago!!!

This is the last set of photos from our Scottsdale shoot a month and a half ago. The last stop on our drive home was Santa Fe, N.M. and as always, it was great being there!. To be able to walk around downtown shooting pictures and enjoying all the culture and architecture is amazing! Talk about old school!!!

Here’s a few photos that Jan and I shot on our day in Santa Fe!

Well it’s the week before the big 4th of July weekend, so if you’re going to be taking some time off, be safe on your travels! We’ll do the same!!! 🙂

Have a great week and thanks again for checking out our work!!!

Kev and Jan

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Morning morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

Well we thought we would be down in Alabama this week for a shoot, but it’s been postponed until September. Needless to say, Alabama in September temperature wise versus Alabama in June should hopefully be a little bit cooler. With all the heat that we’ve got going this week throughout the US, I have a feeling that things will be a little more comfortable in a few months! We’ll see!

We’ve got a few more photos to share from our road trip to Arizona a month ago. We’ve shared photos from Jerome, Az. and Petrified Forest National Park, Az. these past few weeks and this week it’s Albuquerque, N.M. We were able to spend a wonderful afternoon walking around and shooting photos in the Old Town area of Albuquerque. It’s a nice little area that’s about five blocks square or so with shops, restaurants and even a few cantinas! It’s always very enjoyable to walk around and shoot photos in a setting like this because the only person that you’re trying to please with the photography is yourself!

Here’s a few of our snaps from Old Town in ABQ!

It’s time to get to work, so we hope that you’re going to have a wonderful day!!!

Thanks as always!!!

Kev and Jan

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Heading down the road

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

We got back from a second West coast road trip shoot this past Friday night, so it’s been nice to be able to sleep in your own bed and eat your own food!!! We’re going to enjoy it this week because we’ll be getting back on the road at the end of the week once again! I’m not complaining because it’s great to be busy and this is our traditional busy season!

A few weeks ago we were out in Scottsdale, Az. area for a quick gig and we featured that shoot in a promo with the Caterpillar Motor Grader at the golf course. Once that gig was done we started heading back home, but we made sure that we stopped at a few places along the way to shoot some photos for ourselves. One of the areas that we stopped at was in Holbrook, Az. at Petrified Forest National Park. It’s always interesting to see and shoot photos in that area because of the amount of petrified wood that is still there and the interesting landscapes that the park provides. The other thing that I like as well is that Painted Desert National Park is right next door, so you get a two for one deal when you visit!

Here’s a couple of our shots from Petrified Forest National Park.

It’s time to get to work, there’s lots to get done this week! We hope that you have a great week and thanks for checking out our work!

Kev and Jan

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Hey Jesse, Now Jerome!

Monday morning greetings to one and all!

We are back on the road this week for a gig, so the summer season is getting geared up and we are right in the middle of the insanity! 🙂

A couple of weeks ago we were out in Scottsdale, Az. area for a quick one day gig and then we started to work our way back home shooting photos on the way. One of our first stops was a quick trip through the old mining town of Jerome, Az. I know that a number of you have been to Jerome, but for those that haven’t, it’s a great little town that has transformed itself from its days of mining a 100 years ago to now being a fun little tourist destination. They have a number of shops, restaurants and even a couple of local watering holes to wash that trail dust out of your parched throat. We were able to spend a few hours there and walked around and shot some photos and then had a little food and drink before heading out on our journey. If you’ve not been to Jerome and are in Arizona in the future, make a side trip there and you’ll probably enjoy it as much as we do!

Here’s a couple of our snaps from our afternoon spent in Jerome!

For those that are wondering about the title of this week’s promo, it’s from the movie Purple Rain and it’s a line from Morris Day and the Time. Here’s a link for those that need a refresher.

We hope that you’re going to have a great week and thanks for checking out our work!!!!

Kev and Jan

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