Back on the road

Monday morning Alabama greetings to one and all!

Well it’s that time of year when the road trip gigs are starting once again and we are ready to roll. I’ve talked about this a number of times with our traditionally busy season being the months of May, June, July and August. This year it’s already shaping up to be busy and we’ve got a number of road trips on our calendar for the next three months, so it should be interesting as it always is! If we didn’t like being out-of-town for our gigs, this would be horrible, but since Jan and I both like to travel it’s a very good thing!

We’ve got a couple more of our San Diego images to share and it’s amazing to me that it’s been two months since we were just there, it does seem like it was just last week! For those that haven’t been to San Diego, Point Loma is a peninsula West of the downtown and it provides some incredible views of the city along with the Pacific Ocean. We were very fortune to be there as the sun was going down and as luck would have it, the USS Nimitz was leaving the port and heading out to sea. It’s truly amazing to see one of these big ships in person and see it in action.

Here’s a couple of our snaps from Point Loma and the USS Nimitz.

Thanks as always for taking to time to check out our work and we hope that you have a great week to come!

Kev and Jan

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27 years and still going strong

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

In April of 1990, I started down the road to being self-employed and 27 years later here we are still rocking and rolling! It has been an amazing ride and it’s not over just yet, so we’ve got a few more years of doing photography and video for our clients and that makes us happy! We’ve come a very long way from the days of shooting film from 35mm up to 8” x 10” film for the view cameras in the studio. The transition from shooting film to digital in 2001 was a huge step and a big learning curve, but well worth the effort. The funny thing is that you couldn’t pay me to go back to shooting film after all these years shooting digitally! We’ve also made the jump just two years ago to shooting video for clients and now that video work accounts for 70% of our business. I’d also be very remiss if I didn’t mention that Jan started shooting and working with me on a full-time basis two years ago as well. A lot has happen in 27 years and there’s still more for us to do before we finally hang things up in a few years. We are so very blessed to have so many great clients that we have worked with over the years and that have supported us and what we do. I can’t ever say thank you enough for all the work all these many years! We’re not done yet, so there’s more to come!

Here’s a couple of our photos from Balboa Park in San Diego, California. What a great place to visit and to enjoy all that goes on there!

We hope that you have a very wonderful week to come and thanks for checking out our work and being part of our lives!

Kev and Jan

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Get your mulch

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

After what seemed like weeks of rain and gloom here in Central Illinois, we finally had some sun and warmer temperatures this past weekend and it sure was nice. There’s something in me that can get very depressed when I don’t see the sun enough, so I guess that rules out Seattle as a retirement city! Oh trust me, the rainy season isn’t over by a long shot, so we’ll just have to enjoy the sun when it’s out in the coming weeks!

One of the charity projects that we worked on last year was for our friends at Peoria Rescue Ministries and it’s that time of the year for homeowners and landscapers to get out and get their yards beautified for summer. PRM has an incredible program that helps rehabilitate men that need some guidance in turning their life’s around. Victory Acres is part of PRM and making the mulch is one of the great funding programs that helps keep PRM going.

We shot and edited this tv commercial for Victory Acres and it was a collaborative effort with our friends and Burdess and Associates who helped with the creative content. It’s always fun to work on a project like this because you can see that it helps those that need it and also provides a great product for our local community!

Here’s our 30 second commercial for the mulch program at Victory Acres and Peoria Rescue Ministries.

Thanks as always for taking the time to check out our work and we hope that you’re going to have a great week to come!

Kev and Jan

Click on the image to see the commercial

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A day at the beach

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

It was a miracle over the weekend here in Central Illinois and we actually had the sun come out for a few hours! Amazing! Of course by Sunday we were right back into the gray and overcast weather and it looks like the rains will be moving into the area for the next number of days.

Another one of our stops on our West coast tour in Southern California was La Jolla and Seal Rock. The views of the Pacific Ocean are always incredible and it’s just so captivating to sit and watch the waves roll in. There’s also all of the wildlife from the birds to the Sea Lions that you can see as well. We were fortunate to be at Seal Rock days after a number of the female Sea Lions had given birth to a new crop of pups. Most of the Sea Lions were soaking up the sun and sleeping on the beach and the rocks, but we did see a number of them that were swimming around in the surf. All and all it was a great afternoon to be outside shooting photos and enjoying the scenery!

Here’s a couple of our snaps for our afternoon at Seal Rock in La Jolla.

Thanks as always for checking out our work and we hope that you’re going to have a great week to come!!!

Kev and Jan

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