Jumping back into the fire!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!

I have a feeling that a bunch of us were traveling for the Thanksgiving weekend and if you were, hopefully it was safe and uneventful. I made it back from spending the holiday with my folks and as always it was great to be out in New Mexico and enjoying the great weather! It’s not that it’s been horribly cold by any stretch in Central Illinois this past month, but it sure is hard to beat mid 60’s and sunny!!!

We are jumping right back into the fire these next couple of weeks and already have a ton of work to get done! In past years things have always been a little busy right after Thanksgiving and then by about the middle of December things would start to slow down and we’d wind out the end of the year. This year that looks like that’s not going to happen! We still have a road trip to make in a few weeks and I have a feeling that we’ll be busy right up to Christmas. We kicked things into high gear yesterday and we’ll keep rocking till we get everything done in the coming weeks!

Here’s one of my photos from the Dripping Springs Natural Area in Las Cruces.

It’s time for us to get busy, so you have a great week to come!

Kev and Jan

Click on the image to see a larger version


Page, Az.

Monday morning greetings to one and all!

We are rocking and rolling into Thanksgiving and amazingly it’s about 10 days away and to me that’s so hard to believe. I keep talking about time flying by so fast and I guess that when you are busy, it seems to go faster and faster. At the rate we are going, we’ll hit Thanksgiving and then the next thing you know Christmas and New Years will be right there just as fast! It’s crazy I tell you.

I’ve got a couple of more images to share from our trip out West a month ago and today we have a couple of images from the Page, Az. area. Jan’s got an image from Horseshoe Bend and mine is from Lake Powell. The thing that’s amazing to me is that I’ve been by Horseshoe Bend a number of times and never knew that it was there! Just South of Page about 10 miles is Horseshoe Bend and it’s really very easy to check out. There’s a parking lot just off of Rt. 89 and you have a nice little half mile walk to the area where you can view this spectacular scene. For all these years it was so close and yet so far. I guess there’s always surprises around every corner if you just look for them!

Here’s our photos from the Page, Az. area, enjoy!

We hope that you have a great week as always and thanks for checking out our snaps!

Kev and Jan

Click on the image to see a larger version


It’s about time!

Click on the images to see a larger version
