I’ve got one last goodie to share with you from my most recent trip to Tucson. I put together a slide show of the area know as “Barro Libre” just south of the Tucson downtown. In some ways it reminds me of the French Quarter in New Orleans with the bright colors that are used on the homes.
Independence weekend Peoria Monday morning greetings to all,
Most of us have the day off today and that’s not a bad thing!
On this most Tucson trip a week ago, there a brief bit of time that we were able to get out and snap a few shots around Tucson. One of the spots that we hit was the Tucson Botanical Gardens and it was a really great place to shoot. Besides having a ton of native flowers, they also have a great cactus section with cactus from around the world and we did see some very different versions of what we see here in the states!
Here’s a link for a Youtube slide show that I put together with some of the snaps that I got that day! Youtube slide show link
Thanks as always for checking out my work and safe travels if you’re heading back home today!
Sunny Monday morning Tucson, Az. greetings to all!
I’m out here this week shooting some photos and loving life in the desert! I’m working, so it’s not all fun and games! Ok, I do have fun when I’m shooting photos! Here’s one from this week at the Canoa Ranch Golf Club and as you can see from my snap, it’s a pretty nice place to be!
Thanks as always for checking out my snaps and have a great week!!!!
I love shooting food photography! It’s not something that I get to do too often, but when I do, it’s always fun! I just did a shoot for Dixon’s Seafood and we got to shoot a lot of summertime dips and seafood salads and it’s making me hungry just looking at these shots!
What time is lunch?
Thanks as always for checking out my snaps and I hope that you have a great rest of the week!
I had the chance to shoot one of the new Chevy Camaro’s in the studio this past weekend and this ride will kick your butt! There’s something about the lines of this car that really work for me. It’s beefy and aggressive and yet there’s a sleekness to it as well! An American muscle car at it’s finest!!!!
It’s good to be home after being on the road for the last month and a half! Speaking of being on the road, I was at Cashman Equipment in Las Vegas a couple of weeks ago for a quick shoot and I can tell you that it was a blast! I was shooting “stills” on a video shoot with none other then Mike Rowe from the TV show “Dirty Jobs” and also the Ford TV commercials that are running right now.
I have to tell you that if you ever get the chance to meet Mike Rowe in person, the man that you meet is the man that you see on TV! He couldn’t be more down to earth and funny and I saw him bust his ass all day long and still had time and a smile to have his picture taken with fans! Wow! If you’d like to check out more about Mike, he’s a link for his home page! http://www.mikeroweworks.com/
Thanks as always and have a great rest of the week!
Sunny Princeton Indiana Monday morning greetings to all,
I was in Las Vegas last week on an incredibly quick shoot and I’m going to have a great slideshow to share with you next week!
Here’s a quick snap of one of the newer Vegas hotels, M! Here’s also link for the hotel if you’d like to check it out as well! http://www.themresort.com/
Thanks as always for checking out my snaps and I hope that you have a great week before Memorial Day weekend!
All apologies to Prince for stealing his song title! Just a few weeks ago a T.V. commercial was shot in my studio for Azura Boutique here in Peoria. The premise of the commercial was a real photo shoot and they would be filming all the behind the scenes stuff that was going on. They will use the images that I shot for their web site and print ads as well.
Here’s the commercial that I posted on Youtube!
I hope that you have a wonderful week and thanks for checking out my work as always!