The lighthouses at Sturgeon Bay

Tuesday morning Green Bay Wisconsin greetings to one and all!!

I hope that your Labor Day weekend was a good one! Safe and sound is always a very good thing!

Jan and I spent the weekend in Door County Wisconsin and it was a really great time. For the most part, the weather was good and it also was very conducive for some great photography. We ended up spending a couple of days driving around the entire DC peninsula and it was a lot of fun! It was the first time that both of us have been there, so it’s always fun to be exploring new places! Sometimes it’s not what you were thinking it might be, but for the most part it’s a very good thing to find new places and to be surprised by what you can find!

One of our little discoveries on this trip were a few lighthouses in Door County and two of them were located in Sturgeon Bay. The first was the Sherwood Point Lighthouse and the second was the Ship Canal Lighthouse. It was interesting to photograph both of these lighthouses because both are under the control of the US Government and the US Coast Guard, so that means your access is limited!!!! That can make it tough to get the shots that you need, but we managed and I think that we’re both happy with what we got!

Here’s a couple of our snaps from the two Sturgeon Bay Lighthouses!

Thanks as always for checking out our work and we hope that you have a great week to come!!!


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The end of summer

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onday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!

Well last week was one heck of a week! We were putting out fires right and left for clients and it was one of those weeks that you just try to survive. Thank God, we did! There were a number of great photo shoots and then a bunch of video editing as well. There’s always a great amount of satisfaction in being able to help clients out that are in a jam and get their last minute projects done!

One of our many jewels in the Peoria area is the downtown complex that houses the Caterpillar Visitors Center and the Peoria Riverfront Museum. For those that haven’t been to Peoria, the whole complex takes over a whole city block. The thing that I really like about both buildings is that the skin’s a silver metallic, so it’s got a very modern feel and look. The other thing that I like as well is that there are a lot of angles to the shapes of both buildings, so they just aren’t square boxes. This is a photographer’s dream with all of the lines and shapes going on.

Here’s a few snaps of the Peoria Riverfront Museum.

It’s time for us to get rocking and we’ve got another busy week on tap! Have a great week as always and thanks again for checking out our work!

Kev and Jan

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Simulation in life

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!

We are jumping right into the fire the next two weeks with all the different gigs that we have going on. The craziness is continuing, but we’re not complaining. Most of this past weekend has been spent getting caught up on a number of things from editing to bookwork and all things in between. When things are slow, you’re looking for anything that you can do to keep from being bored. When it’s as crazy busy as it’s been these past few weeks and as crazy busy as it’s going to be the next few weeks, there aren’t enough hours in the day to get caught up! The good thing about a weekend like this one was being able to get pretty well caught up on all those things that really do need to get done before starting a new work week. We’ll start rocking this morning with a clean slate and that’s a very good thing!

We are sharing a photo from one of our friends that we’ve been shooting with for a number of years. Simformotion is a local Peoria company that makes simulators for clients like Caterpillar. These simulators are great for training new equipment operators and help companies save a lot of money and that’s sure important in today’s world!

Here’s one of our many shots from our day spent with Simformotion.

It’s time for us to get busy, so we hope that you have a great week and thanks for checking out our work!!!

Kev and Jan

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Computer time

Monday morning greetings to one and all!!!

There’s lots of stuff going on and this summer is rolling along! I always talk about time flying when you’re busy and we have just motored along at a frenetic pace these past few months. There isn’t any moss going under our feet! We had a number of still shoots last week and a ton of video editing as well! We are getting more and more requests for video projects, so it’s amazing to see that part of the business take off as it has this year!

I have a few photos from my trip out to New Mexico a week ago. For me to be driving on the two lane roads across this country is the best and it’s amazing the things that you will see. When time is on your side you can do stuff like this and get out in the country. Sure most of us don’t have a ton of time for adventures like this with all that’s going on in life, but it sure is great when time permits!!!

Here’s a few of my New Mexico snaps and they are uniquely Southwestern America!

Let’s all have a great week to come and thanks for checking out these photos!

Kev and Jan

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Back at it!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

It’s time to get back to it after spending the past week in New Mexico visiting my folks. One of the things that I always enjoy about being out there is being able to get out and shoot a little photography. In Las Cruces where they live, the scenery is a heck of a lot different then it is here in Peoria, no shocker there. While we have a little flatter landscape and lots of corn and soybean fields, they’ve got the mountains and the desert. Having grown up in a Midwestern environment, it makes it more special to be able to spend time in a place that is a lot different than ours.

I’ve got a couple of goodies to share with you and the first is a little time-lapse photography of Organ Mountains in Las Cruces and some incredible clouds that were forming during the course of the day. It’s always fun to do time-lapse photography, but you have to be patient and sit and watch what happens. I’ve learned to just chill out and know that you’re going to be there for a few hours, so just relax! The second goodie is a great panorama of the city of Las Cruces and the Organ Mountains in the background with those incredible clouds.

Alright, it’s time to get back to work and we are jumping right back into it! Thanks as always for checking out the work and we hope that you have a great week to come!

Kev and Jan

Click on the image to see the YouTube time-lapse

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A good looking city!

Monday morning New Mexico greetings to one and all!

I’m out here in New Mexico this week spending some time with my folks. It’s always treasured to be able to do this and spend this time with them!

Jan and I had a fun shoot his past week. We were given an opportunity that most people never get to experience. This year is the 135 year of the Peoria Public Library and they are having a fundraiser in the middle of October to help supplement the public funding that they receive. As part of this fundraiser, we were asked to shoot some photos from the top of the Commerce Bank building in downtown Peoria showing the city of Peoria in a unique perspective. Part of the adventure was getting to the top of the building and it involved a series of three spiral staircases that are extremely tight and also very steep. The other fun is also getting all the camera gear up these staircases as well!

We had a great night to shoot the photos and that’s about 90% of the battle when it comes to this type of work! We did have one other challenge and that was the lights that are pointed at the top of the building and they were causing some major lens flare in the cameras for some of the photos! We were able to work around these challenges and came away with some interesting shots of the city!

Here’s a few of the photos that Jan and I got of downtown Peoria and it’s a good looking city indeed!!!!

Thanks as always for checking out our work and we hope that you have a great week to come!

Kev and Jan

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Lights, Camera, Action!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!

We had another good week this past week with a lot of different shoots and projects! It’s always been great to have a variety of clients that we work for and I think that it helps us keep the creativity up so that we don’t get burned out photographing the same things or subjects all the time!

One of our fun shoots last week was down in Springfield, Illinois at the S & K Buick GMC car dealership. The dealership has undergone an extensive upgrade on the inside and the outside and it’s really looking good! We were contacted by Inform + Lightworks in Beacon, NY to photograph the inside of the S & K dealership. Inform + Lightworks is a lighting company and the S & K dealership used their LED lighting for the inside of the dealership. They wanted us to get a number of shots of the inside showroom to show how good and effective their lighting system is. We shot a number of angles in the showroom, but this image that we’re sharing today is my favorite from our shoot. It’s a 180 degree image of the entire showroom and you can see how well lit the showroom looks! I think we really nailed this and the client and S & K dealership were both very happy with how well everything turned out!

Here’s our photo of the S & K showroom in Springfield, Il.

We hope that you have a great week to come and thanks as always for taking the time to check out our work!

Kev and Jan

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Walking on the moon!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!

Well this past week we jumped right back into the fray after getting back from being out West the week before. It’s always nice to come back from a vacation and know that you’ve got work to do. I’ve had it happen the other way when there wasn’t anything to shoot when I got back and I’d start to wonder why I had come back home!

One of the places that Jan and I shot nature photography on this trip was Craters of the Moon National Monument in Arco, Idaho. When you’re at Craters of the Moon, if you didn’t know any better, you’d think that you were on the Big Island of Hawaii. There are lava fields that stretch out for 50 miles from the volcanos that were at Craters of the Moon and it’s amazing to see that and think that it’s here in the Western US. It’s also amazing to see some of the vegetation that has grown in some spots and then the lack of vegetation in other areas of the park. Part of the fun as a photographer is to show some of the areas and try to make creative photos of all that’s there!

Here’s a few photos from a day spent at Craters of the Moon National Monument.

Thanks as always for checking out the photos and we hope that you have a great week to come!!!

Kev and Jan

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Jackson Hole, Wy.

Monday morning Colorado greetings to one and all!!!!

The 4th of July holiday weekend has come and gone and hopefully yours was a fun and safe one! Now it’s back to work and there’s lots to do!!!

Jan and I are on our way back from a trip out West this past week to get out and shoot some nature photography and get our creative batteries recharged. It’s always been something that I strongly believe in is being able to get out and shoot some personal photography that you are passionate about to help get those creative juices going. When you’re out shooting photos for yourself like we have been this past week, it’s about pleasing yourself as an artist. As a professional, you’ve got to make your clients happy first and foremost, so what they need and want has to be the top priority. When we’re out working on personal images like this, it’s seeing things that peak your interest and make you want to capture an image that conveys what you are seeing!

We’ll have some promos in the next few weeks with some of these images from this trip out West! We’re starting today with a couple of images from the Jackson Hole, Wyoming area and you’ll get a little taste of what we were shooting last week!

We hope that you have a great week to come and thanks again for taking the time to check out these images!!!!

Kev and Jan

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