Monday morning greetings to one and all from Lafayette, La.!
Yes, I started the road to be self-employed on April 15th of 1990 and it’s been quite a ride all these many years! We’ve been incredibly blessed to have so many wonderful clients that have seen the value in what we do to hire us and help keep this train rolling. There’s so many great memories of some very wonderful shoots either from the location that we were shooting at and having beautiful weather to some of the down right most nasty places that you’d ever want to be in, but I must say that to appreciate the good shoots, you’ve got to have a few that aren’t the most ideal. The good thing is that more often than not, we are fortunate to have a lot of really good shots and get to work with a lot of very nice people! The other thing that I always enjoy as well is that we get to have some laughs and some fun on these shoots regardless of what’s going on and that sure makes the time that we spend with our clients that much better! Jan and I will continue to roll along this year and the finish line is in sight, so there’s still more fun to be had.
One of our fun things to do when we are out on the road is to get out and shoot some photography for ourselves and yesterday we got to do that. We made a run down to Avery Island, La. and for those that don’t know it, that’s the home of Tabasco. It’s a great place to visit and if you have time you can take a tour of the plant and that’s a lot of fun to see the process of how all the different Tabasco sauces are produced at Avery Island. The other thing that you can do is to visit the Jungle Gardens which is right next door to the plant and part of the Tabasco facilities. At this time of the year there’s not a lot of flowers in bloom, but there’s still plenty of things to see and shoot photos of while you are there. Jan was able to get some great shots of the birds at the bird sanctuary where there are hundreds of egrets nesting. She also was able to get a great shot of some of the alligators that are there as well and for those of you that are adventurous, you can walk right up to the alligators because there aren’t any fences and they are out in the open at the gardens. I wouldn’t recommend it though because even the junior alligators could take a finger off if you’re not careful. I was able to get a couple of photos of the Pagoda that houses the giant 900 year old Buddha statue from China. All and all it was a great day spent at the Tabasco facilities and Jungle Gardens.
Here’s our photos from Avery Island, La.
Ok, it’s time to get year 29 started and we are both ready to go! There’s work to be done and our busy summer season is just about ready to kick in so there’s going to be a lot going on! Thanks again to all the wonderful clients that have supported us and continue to hire us for the many gigs that we are doing each year!
We hope that you’re going to have a great week to come and thanks again!!!
Kev and Jan
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