Year 26 and counting!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!

This past week I wrapped up another year of being my own boss and I still can’t believe it! It was in April of 1990 when I decided to take the plunge and take on the challenge of being self employed and I haven’t looked back! At the time it was a very scary thing to do to be giving up the security of having a full time job and a steady paycheck to take a chance on making your own business. I was very blessed that things started out good with the business and clients hired me and got me going so that I could make it. I’m still amazed that after all these years we are still rocking and rolling. There have been so many changes with how as a photographer we made the switch from shooting film to digital and now to have added shooting video to the mix! What a photographer did and how it was done when I started has forever changed to what we are doing now, but you have to embrace the change and move forward or you’ll be left behind!

Jan and I have another couple of photos to share from the Savannah, Ga. area from a few weeks ago. Tybee Island is just down the road from Savannah and it’s a great place to have some great food and a few cold beers too! One of our favorite things to photograph are lighthouses and we’ve seen a few in our travels. Tybee Island has a great one and you can see it for miles. Here’s a couple of our shots of the Tybee Island Lighthouse.

A big thanks and a shout out to all the clients who have supported me all these 26 years and I’m incredibly thankful to be doing something that I truly enjoy doing! I couldn’t have done it without you!!! 🙂

We hope that you have a great week and year 27 starts today, so we better get busy!!!

Thanks again!

Kev and Jan

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