A Sunday Drive!

Monday morning Idaho greetings to one and all!

It’s going to be a holiday weekend coming up with the 4th of July next Saturday! Some of you are going to have to work and others will have a three-day weekend or more.

There’s nothing like a nice Sunday drive in the car and I can remember doing that for most of my life. Being out in the country and driving around seeing places that you’ve been to before or exploring new cities and towns is a lot of fun! It’s also a lot of fun as photographers for us to see something special or unique and stop and take a few minutes to grab a few photos. Jan and I took a Sunday drive a week ago and headed from Peoria over to Keokuk, Ia. and then North along the Mississippi River to Burlington, Ia. before heading back home. All and all it was a great day to get out and listen to a little music in the car and shoot some photos!

Here’s one of Jan’s photos of a sun-faced sculpture from the Nauvoo LDS Temple in Nauvoo, Il. and one of my snaps of a fire hydrant in Dallas City, Il.

We hope that you’re going to have a good week and also a safe and wonderful 4th of July weekend as well! Thanks as well for checking out our work!!

Kev and Jan

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