Small Town USA

Monday morning greetings to one and all!

Wow, the sun came out in Central Illinois and the end of this past week and what a difference it made in our attitudes! The whole weekend couldn’t have been nice with the temperatures in the high 70’s and abundant sunshine all weekend. It’s amazing how much you appreciate seeing the sunny skies and the warmer temperatures after going through a period of overcast and rainy days upon days upon days. Jan and I made the best of it and took a little road trip down South of Peoria to Jacksonville, Illinois. They are working on revitalizing their downtown area and you can see the progress that they are making and you drive around the city. Jacksonville’s got a small town square in the center of town and they have worked on rehabbing some of the older buildings and aren’t letting things deteriorate. We spent the afternoon walking around and shooting photos and it’s always so much fun for us when we get the time to do that!

Here’s a couple of our snaps from an afternoon spent in Jacksonville, Illinois.

We hope that you’re going to have a great week to come and thanks for taking the time to check out our work.

Kev and Jan

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