The happiest day of the year!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to one and all!!!

Yes, the day that we set the clocks forward and start daylight savings time is the happiest day of the year for me! I’ve talked before how in the fall that when we set the clocks back to come off of DST, in my opinion it’s the most depressing day of the year! On that first day that the clocks are set back and the sun is going down at 4:30pm it just kills me!!! The days are shorting in the winter time and then to also have it getting dark at 4:30pm is just horrible!!!!! Yesterday to have the sun going down after 7:00pm and knowing that the days will be getting longer is a wonderful thing!!! I for one will have a smile on my face even more then I do now!!!!

The other really nice thing besides DST is that it looks like winter might be on the way out in Central Illinois! We’ve had a very long winter that I’ve talked about way too much in my Monday morning promos this year! It looks like we’re going to have more normal temperatures in the next few weeks and that is a welcome change! More sunshine and warmer temps are never a bad thing!!!!!

Here’s a couple of snaps of winter going bye-bye. The snow is melting and that is a very good thing!!!

I hope that you have a wonderful week as always and thanks again for checking out my work!!!!!!


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