Football and Sports Illustrated!

иконописMonday morning Peoria greetings to all!

When I was going to school, my goal was to shoot pictures for Sports Illustrated. I’ve always loved shooting sports photography and especially football. Long story short and I got into shooting commercial photography like I’m doing now and I love it. Despite not having all the big boy sports lens and cameras that are designed for that type of shooting, I still love to get out and shoot games on a Saturday afternoon. Unfortunately most high schools don’t play Saturday games until the playoffs start in November, so I have to wait till then to get my fix!

This past Labor Day Monday, Christmas came early for me! There was supposed to be a Saturday night game high school game that weekend with Metamora, Il. taking on South Elgin, Il., but severe weather (lighting) postponed the game until Labor Day Monday. The temperature was cooler then it’s been and it had all the atmosphere and feel of a November playoff game! It was a great afternoon to shoot and I got a few shots that I really liked!

Thanks as always for taking the time to check out my work and it’s very much appreciated by me! I hope that you have a great week to come!!!!


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