Tee it up for the troops!

Post Labor Day weekend Peoria greetings to all!!!!!!!

Last week here in Peoria we had the third annual “Tee it up for the troops” (http://www.teeitupforthetroopsil.org/) fundraiser at three different Peoria golf courses (Mt. Hawley, Weaver Ridge and Peoria Country Club). The charity raises money to help members of the armed services that need some extra help after their service to our country. I shot photos of the morning events at Mt. Hawley Country Club and it was very cool! The morning golfers were all veterans and they were having a good time out on the course on a very beautiful day! At noon they had a ceremony to honor the veterans and also had a “fly over” that’s in one of my photos and that was incredible! All and all, I think that everyone had a great time and they raised a lot of money in a down economy and that says a lot about the people of Peoria!

I’ve got a nice selection of snaps from the morning and here they are!

I’ve also made up a nice wallpaper of one of my favorite shots of the day and it’s the shot of the American flag for the pins on the putting greens of each hole. Very nice indeed!!!!

High Definition Wallpaper http://kevinmay.com/highres.jpg

Standard Definition Wallpaper http://kevinmay.com/standardres.jpg

For my friends in the US, I hope that you enjoy this short work week and thanks as always for checking out my work!!!!!


Click on image to see a larger version

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