Somedays are tougher then others!

Monday morning Peoria greetings to all!!!!

Somedays are tougher then others for photography and creating interesting photos can be a real challenge!!!! I had one of those days last week!!!!! I was shooting at a water treatment facility and the client took us around and gave us a quick tour of the place. It’s by no means the most glamourous place that you’ll ever come across and things were old and not in an interesting way. As I was thinking about what I was going to try and shoot, I was really stumped as to what I could show and what I was going to show! It really took me a bit to try and think of something and as always, I just started walking around with the camera and tripod and things started to come together. The other big problem that I had is that most of the processes that go on are internal, so you can’t really see what’s happening!

Here’s a couple of my snaps from the day and one of the things that I did was to convert the images to Black and White to try to give them a little more mood and drama!

Thanks as always for checking out my work and I hope that you have a great week!!!!


Click on image to see a larger version

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