Are you ready for some football?

Monday morning greetings to all,

It’s that time of year when football is starting here in the U.S. and it’s a glorious time of year in my book!!!!! The high school kids have been playing for a few weeks and the college games start Thursday night! The NFL starts playing a week from Thursday and it’s going to be great!!!!!!!

I started shooting for a new client a few months ago; Schutt Sports is based here in Illinois and makes all kinds of equipment for sports like football and baseball (among other products). We’ve been shooting some of their products here in the studio and for one of the shots we wanted to do some dramatic lighting with one of the football helmets.

Believe it or not, but next weekend is Labor Day weekend!!!!! Where did the summer go? Oh well!!!!!!!! Be safe this weekend if you and those that you love and care about will be traveling!!!!!!!

Thanks as always and have a great week!!!


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